Today Precious (G's car) had a hissy fit and decided to only tootle along at walking pace. Desperate times as the Annual Visitor from Australia arrives tomorrow and when we, plus his 6ft 8 frame, crammed into my Micra one weekend it was a close and cosy outing. Apparently Precious had gone into "limp mode". Well, there's a thing. When my car breaks down it just does so, at the side of the road without any drama queen antics. Not so Precious who has to go "limp". Ahhh. Anyway, the AA Super Brigade arrived and sorted the poor girl out. Exhaust ECG, no sorry exhaust EGR that was it. As I was walking back to the office a bird pooed on me. Good luck, or was that just for the car?

This evening, blipless as I had been busy tooing and froing with Precious, I wandered into the garden with my camera. "You can blip me tonight", I heard. Never! No! Not G? Well, I couldn't let this one go, so here is a portrait of the man. I can only think that our two weeks on Orkney and his meeting Lady Findhorn and his Lordship, and Poppy, have mellowed his opinion of blipping. If so, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Blip on!

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