As I walked past a charity shop this morning I heard a loud moo. And no mistaking that moo either. There in the window, smiling broadly was my cow piggy bank, as happy as all the Larry the lambs surrounding him. I was pleased and relieved as I had felt rather cruel when I dumped placed him carefully in the charity collection bag on Monday.

On his bottom is the name Dan and the date I painted him, whilst in the company of Hellonwheels at Dalton Pottery Café on one of our Spring jaunts.

G had an Auntie Dolly who went to pottery classes for the elderly. Their tutor one day seemed intent on treating them as if they were all half witted, whereas they were merely elderly but liked to be creative and active. Before their clay pots were placed in the kiln the tutor told them, very slowly and pedantically to "turn your pots upside down and write on them, like I am doing, look....." and he etched Dick in the bottom of his pot. The tutor left the room for a moment and his trainee potters, as one, turned their pots and dishes over and wrote "Dick". Brilliant.

Auntie Dolly gave us that dish before she died and it sits in my kitchen and always raises fond memories and a chuckle.


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