What A Day!

Woke to blue skies (and the few - fluffy - clouds soon disappeared), not a breath of wind and a lovely balmy 12C.

A great day for a wedding.

And what a great wedding it was too.
It started with a gentle stroll past the Caladonian Canal to the venue, reacquainting ourselves with friends and family (some of whom had come from Australia for the event).
The ceremony was super. Although it was a registry wedding both the bride and groom knew the registrar (having taught her son) and so it was much more personal and in keeping with the entire day.
The bride arrived in her father's car (the first of the extras) which - when we came out of ceremony - was parked almost next to the same make, model and vintage as "Buttons" which was the car the grooms parents had as their wedding car (2nd extra). However, the couple left in a van (the 3rd extra) which is the Best Man's 'works van' ...... a beautifully appointed vehicle, complete with fridge stocked with champagne.

After a daunder back up to the hotel where half the guests were staying for a drink and a chat it was on to the meal and reception (a ceilidh and a disco.)
SWMBO and I left early(ish) because the event had got to her and found that Frank had arrived (Frank being the storm passing over the country and who had been good enough to stay away during the day)!
As we left the car park the twigs and small branches were raining down - so there was a mad flurry from people to move cars away from the line of trees. We missed the power cut though. Although apparently that didn't stop things ........... the Best Man fired up the generator in that back of that van (I told you it was well appointed) and everything carried on by candle light.

PS ........ If you want to see the van owner "at work" -- and you really should -- WATCH THIS

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