Morning On The Canal

No1 son collected me after breakfast and we went off to take some pictures.
He thought that the frost would last longer around the canal basin so we headed there.
The frost wasn't as hard as we had expected - but there was a touch of mist on the water and some nice light on the buildings, under and through the various bridges and trees.
When the armada saw us they came to see if we had food.
There were about 100 of them and they get fed (the wrong sort of stuff) by a local cafe owner to encourage them to hang about and thereby bring in customers. (This was only some of them ..... I didn't have a wide enough lens to get them all in).
As the sun rose it caused the steam to rise from the roofs of the canal boats and nicely backlit the leaves but left the pink and blue graduated sky as a mere memory.
So we left!
The rest of the day was spent having great fun with butterfly who is a fantastic talker (and counter) for age and an absolute joy - although we haven't had the pleasure of a "terrible two" meltdown from her yet, but I am sure it will come during the next few days.

When SWMBO and I got back to the hotel we each had a large drink - free of charge towards trying to make up for last night's noise.
We are assured there are to be no more functions while we are here.

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