In Praise of Blipping...

I have been blipping for well over three years now.  Every single day since I've started I've been lucky enough to have access to a warm, friendly community, wonderful photos, and stories from around the world.  I was welcomed to blip with open arms when I joined and love the friendliness of it.  I've made some lovely blip-friends and always look forward to seeing their latest entries. 

And then there's the photography - it's so inspiring to see what can be done with a camera, and studying the EXIF data of expert photographers is very helpful and informative, although I can't seem to get the same results with the same settings...  ;-)
I have learned so much about photography but have so much more to learn.  I love going 'hunting' for a special blip when I've got time!  The feeling of having a good 'capture' in the camera to take home with me is brilliant...

The appeal of blip is many faceted, it's a very special site, and once it is saved and in the capable hands of blipfuture and the community, it can again go from strength to strength.  

So, here's to a wonderful new year for Blipfoto.  Starting with saving the site (, and going from there!

This is my first ever attempt at light painting.  I tried to paint Alfred while I was at it (at 2:30 this morning - had to do it while it was dark!).  See extra photos for that one (needless to say, he's not impressed)!


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