Lucky Charms for 2015...

These are traditional lucky charms given in Germany to see in the New Year.  A lucky pig, a four leafed clover plant, and a chimney sweep. 

If you touch a chimney sweep (in traditional dress - I don't know if one in 'normal dress' has the same effect!), it's supposed to bring good luck.  I saw one a few weeks ago at a friend's house.  He arrived when I was there as he had an appointment to do her chimney and he was dressed traditionally.  I didn't ask to touch him though - I was too embarrassed.  I will next time - good luck is good luck and I'll take all I can get!!

Mr K was a bit nervous about the sparklers in this blip, as he was worried I'd set the house on fire as I nearly did two years ago, when the sparks set off the paper ribbon on the table and started a mini bonfire!  It was worth it though - I love that blip!

This time there were no mishaps - the lucky charms are working already!


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