Last night went exactly as anyone who knows the people involved would expect. The kids stayed up far too late (TallGirl rallied after her earlier drug-induced vertical sleeping), and us grown ups took it in turns to describe just how much we needed an early night. And it turns out we did that for several hours. We probably talked about other things too.
Anyway, that's all a preamble as to why this morning was a bit shabby. Somehow we all got it together, made a plan, packed, and headed out into the balmy West London weather. First stop, Blipper Lesley's house to say hi and collect skating buddies, then off to the ice rink at the Museum of Natural History. The weather was really not doing them any favours, with the rink inches deep in water in places.
Us two non-skaters adjourned to the bar where I had the worst shandy ever, then admired our group as they boldly waded out onto the ice. It was all going so well: only CarbBoy fell much (his first time), but only because he wasn't having any of that hand-holding nonsense and just set off on his own. But he picked himself up fine each time, just getting a bit damp around the edges. Until suddenly he was on the ground writhing in agony....
Long story short: bump and broken skin on his head and a sore shoulder. The first aiders were fantastic and checked him out really thoroughly - I think CB was mainly impressed by the guy who came in after us with blood pouring down his face!
Tapas next, with double ice cream for the poorly boy, then a round of farewelling and off back to the airport for a somewhat delayed flight to Edinburgh. Now Mr B is out with some old school pals and me and the kids are tucked up in bed for a very much needed early night!
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