No chance to gather moss today... CarbBoy to school, Christmas teacher gifts to make, school cheques to bank and one to write for the disorganised nuns up the road who, unfortunately, are our landlord. Then there was TallGirl' parent/teacher consultation - run entirely for the benefit of the teachers. The school is closed for the day, and you have to go in in normal school hours (save for the two hour lunch break, obviously). No appointments so you queue to see the principal teacher and get your kid's report - which is your first chance to know what teachers you might want to see, then more queuing...
My experience was slightly embarrassing as TallGirl's principal teacher gave me a present to say thank you for the baking I'd done for the market last week. The present was very sweet (though obviously unnecessary), what was embarrassing was that all the other teachers thought it was a present for them. So we cut things a bit short. Some useful tips though (like no more chatting in class...) The report, however was good overall, with TallGirl managing to come top in English and French, though her Spanish brought the languages average down a good deal. The Spanish teacher has promised to hit her with a ruler more next term, so that should help.
Later much punning hilarity and too much Modern Family.
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