Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Black, Latte or Cappuccino?

Andy: Anything to drink today?

Customer: A coffee.

Andy: Certainly sir, would you like a Black, a latte or a cappuccino?

Customer: Just a coffee.

Andy: Those are coffee's, we do black, latte or cappuccino.

Customer: Do you do Mocha?

Andy: no, we do black, latte or cappuccino.

Customer: no espresso?

Andy: No sir, we do black, latte or cappuccino.

Customer: So what's a regular coffee then?

Andy: well do you want a black coffee?

Customer: Yeah,

Andy then gives customer mug

Customer: But I want it to be quite milky.

Andy: Well that's not a black coffee is it?

Customer: Well it is, just with milk in it.

Andy: Well a milky white coffee would be a latte, do you want a latte?

Customer: ummmmm, on second thought, I'll just have a tea.

A TEA!? After all that shite I just went thru this mother fucker then orders a tea!!!

Some people are so fucking stupid they should not be allowed out in society!! Just order your coffee and BUGGER OFF!!!

The moron then took his tea pot, stodd in front of the coffee machine looking confused, and pushed THE BLACK COFFEE BUTTON!!!


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