Day 181: A Day At The Park

McCombers and I went to the grand reopening of Duthie Park today. It was a tad disappointing. Her nephew enjoyed it, he got treated to the VIP treatment when we went to see the horses. One of McCombers friends owns one of the horses and he got to sit on Mr Alex. (That's the name of the horse, not some guy called Alex, cos that would be weird.) I was left guarding the pram while Jamie was off sitting on the horse. I didn't want to get too close to Mr Alex due to an incident a few years ago when a horse tried to kill me, but that's a story for another day.

The event at the park was a bit of a non event, given the amount of space in the park, we all thought there would be much more going on.

We decided to head to The Cove Bay for lunch, where I feasted on a Meat Feast Hero and a Sticky Toffee Pudding which was the size of a brick! Good Times.

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