Mono Monday...Contortion...The Bow

I think it's funny how the need to take a daily picture changes your thinking. Case in point.

It used to be that when I woke up to a sea of fog, I would say..."Oh no! Look at that fog!"

But, now it's..."OH YEAH! FOG! WHERE'S MY CAMERA?"

The problem for me is...I find it real hard to take a picture in the stuff. I've tried automatic and manual focus, changing the exposure, and messing with the aperature. Nothing works for me.

The young crane was fun to watch. He/she went through 3 different "stretching" sessions, including one with the jumping and hopping thrown in.

I labeled this as Mono Monday. In fact, it was taken in full color. In spite of the great fog, it was pretty bleak and dark.

P.S. OH NO! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DISTORTION...NOT CONTORTION! Oh well, too late to change it now.

(Disregard that P.S. I knew it was distortion.)

Check the extras for five further foggy fotos.

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