Same Boy, Different Santa

I'll probably never find out, but I don't think I could grow a nice full beard like this Santa has. It's too bad, because I think being Santa Claus would be a pretty good gig.

Putting on the suit of red,
would bring in some extra dough.
And, the only words you have to say...
are "Merry Christmas, and Ho Ho Ho!

In full Blip disclosure, I did not take this picture, although it was taken today at the mall. Merrick went with his parents to see Santa, and to ride the train. I hope his momma doesn't read this to him, but there is something special about those youngsters who "believe." You should have seen his excitement when he spotted Santa in the parade last night. Precious.

Speaking of baby Julie (who is 30-something) celebrated her birthday with us tonight at a local steakhouse. Happy birthday Sunshine!

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