Picnic time

Dropped Ben off to play with Ede early this morning so I could go to my diabetic antenatal clinic and actually concentrate while I was there :) Thankfully the two play so well together that all Ede's mum had to do was get them dressed and let them get on with it! We took Ben's balance bike round and he's getting better and better on it with all the practice he's getting in recently.

Meanwhile at the clinic I got lots of answers to lots of questions, more tricks to try with the post-breakfast blood sugar levels (still far too high), a referral made to see an anaesthetist and also a referral to see a particular midwife to talk about the delivery with Ben. I started having flashbacks last night to his delivery, and it's evidently affected me a lot more than I've realised as I was getting quite upset. I don't want to go through the same experience again and I guess I need to put the past to bed so to speak and prepare myself a lot more mentally for the future. Am praying that this baby comes early by itself, that I don't need to be induced. People keep saying that subsequent births are easier and often earlier, so here's hoping.

AND I've been booked on the carbohydrate counting course (matching carb intake to insulin intake and also a lot on glycaemic index and stuff), it starts on Monday (yes, this Monday, the one after the weekend!) for four Monday afternoons so I've had a bit of a panic trying to figure out what to do with Ben! Got something sorted thank goodness, now just need to make sure I'm super-organised with regards food for both me and him as he finishes preschool at 12 and I'm due at the hospital at 1pm for three hours....

So that was that. Went to get Ben and stayed for a picnic lunch in the garden (thankyou Steve for making me sandwiches this morning!), took Ben home and hoped he would sleep. (I suspect Ede slept. He was obviously tired, whereas Ben simply wasn't!)

Which he didn't!!

Until quarter to four. When we were supposed to be leaving the house at 4.30pm for swimming... But we managed. I woke him up and he dozed in the car on the way, shivered through half the lesson as he woke up slowly, then got into the swing of it and was brilliant :) He had his wetshoes on to keep his plaster in place on his foot, but Lucy the teacher didn't realise that's why he was wearing wetshoes and took them off halfway through to see if he would cope with 2 armdiscs per arm instead of 3. He did cope really well, but when he got to the other side of the pool his plaster was hanging off and he was upset about that. We got it sorted and he put his wetshoes back on and the third armdisc on each arm (to cope with the extra weight of the wetshoes!) and after he got over his wobble from losing the plaster he was fine again.

It's amazing watching these kids getting more and more used to not using any floatation things. Amazing thinking how far they've come!! They're brilliant :D

Popped into the shop to get mince and pasta sauce on the way home and Ben entertained everybody (and worried the workers) by running up and down the aisles. Thankfully he didn't pick anything up, and I managed to convince him that we had icecreams at home (which we do) so he could close the sliding doors over the icecreams... Got home at the same time as Steve arrived on his bike which Ben was proper excited about! The two of them tinkered with their bikes outside while I cooked dinner (I cooked dinner! I'm still excited about being able to do that again!) and thank goodness I chose something quick and easy to do. Steve and I are shattered and thankfully keeping Ben up that little bit later meant that he went to sleep very quickly :)

Things are looking up. As long as I don't overdo it I can cope longer and longer. I still can't manage a full day of what used to be a "normal" amount of activity, but neither do I need to sleep 18 out of 24 hours of the day! Hurrah. And I don't feel sick ALL of the time. Just if I overdo it :) Which reminds me... I ought to go to bed really :)

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