Not Switched On

After all the turkey dithering yesterday and thoughts of getting a frozen bird to avoid the Christmas melee, what have I just gone and done? Yes, correct, I've wimped out, gone online and ordered the whole shebang from M&S to be collected between 7:30am -8:00am on 23rd December in Morningside. A cold half hour walk over Bruntsfield Links before sunrise is a kind of Christmas predawn bout of righteous self flagellation.
I am a woman with good intentions but no stamina and little sense.

His Lordship and I had a dander round the policies this morning and walked up the 'Virgin Street of Light' ( aka the High Street) which becomes an avenue of coloured lights after dark. Unfortunately it would appear that the free tickets to enter at night and listen to choirs performing up until Christmas have all been snapped up, probably while I was dithering about turkeys.

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