What a lovely pair of Whoopers

Up early on my early morning commute to Balivanich School. A half decent morning so took the long way home and went past Loch Fada where these Whooper Swans paraded in front of me. Always a bird of wild places, they evoke their cold north origins.
A day when it was warm enough to potter about in the garden for a few hours before the excitements of the weekly Grimsay market. 
Robert on cakes today - coming fresh from his first place in the North Uist Agricultural Show Fruit  Cake Competition this Summer. I managed to sneak a bit of his chocolate and orange cake too and was surprised that it only made third in the same event's Chocolate cake competition. I would love to try the first two cakes! Over the cake and coffee, we bemoaned the lack of rosettes for such triumphs.
Great to live where these things matter.

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