Form a polite queue
Actually, the queue for the peanuts was far from polite. But the nyger seeds are still less than popular.
A lie-in!!!! Until 8.20. Doesn't sound like much when compared to my university sleeping habits... but for nowadays it's pretty good. Later, we divided and conquered: Mr B went to the market and was mostly just rained on; the rest of us went to TallGirl's College for their Open Day - to show CarbBoy around as that's one of his choices for September.
The teachers all did a great job, I have to say. It can't be much fun saying the same things over and over again on your day off to a bunch of sulky 10 year olds and stressed parents. But they were all delighted to see TallGirl. She, however, was not very delighted by my little chat with the Spanish teacher about TallGirl's reluctance to speak Spanish when we go to Spain every year... TG does her best to keep me apart from her teachers precisely to avoid such revelations!
CarbBoy, meanwhile, tolerated all the attention moderately well, listened politely, had no questions and only really perked up right at the end when the Technology (IT, etc) teacher told him he was planning a special project to be done within Minecraft... (Cue first proper smile of the day.)
And I did my best to understand what was going on and not sound too stupid every time I commented on something. Tricky.
Now, venison and pommes dauphinoise are coming my way very soon. Just what's needed on a chilly, damp, blustery day.
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