Roly Mo
Bloody moles.
Took me ages to make this - a whole beautiful row of lavender on a gravel base.... now all lumpy and soiled. Still, it lasted a few months.
No time to sort that out today, though the super-warm weather did permit some garden work. So, some broad beans and mangetout snuggled safely under a winter warming sheet, and the oregano stripped out and trimmed neatly for winter. I'm currently ignoring the sage, which has taken over most of the bottom border, save where the mint/bramble combo is holding on. At some point I will have to commit sagicide, but it looks so bonny and vibrant, it's hard to chop it back.
This afternoon, off with the kids to a concert up in the village by our neighbour who plays all the medieval instruments, while recounting tales of yore. Either my French has improved, or his stories have become simpler, but I understood most of it this time (apart from the Occitan and Latin, which I think I'm not supposed to understand!) Despite the chill of the church, it was a fabulous gig, with lots to entertain the (many) kids there.
On a community note, I knew more than half of the folk there well enough to 'faire la bise' (even though there's notably a lot less of that at this time of year), which was a good feeling, and a lady sitting behind me (who I didn't know) said I had lovely hair - which was weird enough to make me blush, but still rather sweet.
Later, dinner was slow cooked pork, chorizo and bean casserole, hastily de-beaned when it turned out I had wholly misunderstood last week's conversation about beans.
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