Chavasse Memorial

Packs from Desch Plantpack for next Spring,three pallets of pots from Germany and a load of compost all arrived this morning.Booked our cuttings from Earleys and sprayed all the Primroses for aphid.Fairly full sort of day.

Captain Noel Chavasse who was in my great grandfathers battalion (Liverpool Scottish) is my blip today.The memorial stands just outside Liverpool University and is a beautiful work of art.His life is also remembered in Liverpool Cathedral but a quote from his father the second Bishop of Liverpool I really liked.
"You have been known so far as the son of the Bishop of Liverpool:I shall be known henceforth as the father of Captain Chavasse".
The extra photo gives a little more history.

Still very mild.Bright spells and a few heavy showers.Gales this evening have left a few branches on the drive.

Thank you Gunita for all the stars.Liked the video of English people trying Latvian food.

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