Looking Hopeful

A grey day but no rain! Opened the chickens, who, by the way, are producing two eggs a day - 2 chickens out of 18 are laying!!! Then after a chat with Friend I packed my new camera and gathered Kes's things and set off for the woods! 
I't was quite an unusual experience to have to change lenses, I'm not used to my camera not being capable of taking what I want just like that! Plus changing lenses is a nerve wracking experience - so much potential for dust and dirt to sneak in! My two lenses quite flummoxed me by what they would and would not take - and I must admit to using the camera on auto. That way I hoped I would learn what the camera can do without me mucking things up! On processing them later I was amazed by the difference in the quality of the images - no idea what this is called or why but I like it! So unlike this Puffin, whose chances of getting into the outside world are non existent,  I am looking forward hopefully  that I will get to understand my new camera's workings!
The rest of my random photos are here if you want to see what I have managed so far - nothing exciting, just playing! 

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