It Came!

The courier's site said my camera would be delivered monday - but I was either being hopeful or distrustful, so when Kes woke me early I decided to take him for a walk so as I could stay in the rest of the day! Cotehele was quiet apart from the sound of rushing water - The Tamar was high and if it hadn't been on the turn back to the sea, I think it would have been covering the quay! I met a few other dog walkers, and had to laugh at one elderly Basset Hound that upon spotting Kes took the higher path, making his owner walk up and retrieve it! 
Once home lo and behold there was notification that my parcel would be delivered between 12 and 1.00! It came at 12! Once the battery was charged I began to play - I do love new gadgets but it would help if I knew all the technical photographic terms! It's very small and light which surprised me, and the images seem ultra sharp! I think I am falling in love - nothing like a bit of mystery to fuel ones passion!! Too drizzly to take it out to the chickens this eve - so more indoor play ahead and maybe tomorrow you will see the first blip from it! 

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