Take Me To My Happy Place!

Glorious morning on the allotment with the girls - Izzy just makes me laugh! Feisty little thing who rushes round the plot clucking, wanting to get to the food treats but understandably wary of the bigger girls, so she stands near them and waits for the opportunity to get to them! After a good clearing session on my plot of the squashes that have gone over and the weeds that I headed home for a quiet afternoon. The dressmaker in the village called to measure up my windows to make the Roman Blinds I want and over a coffee we spoke about living in the village and out of it, and how decisions are sometimes  made seemingly instantly, yet really one has often spent ages mulling over the pros and cons and one day suddenly the balance tips and the decision is a no brainer! 
A  quiet evening ahead I made myself a dinner  of sea bass, lemon mash, basil pesto and roasted tomatoes and settled down to watch Strictly and Masterchef.
Message from Friend who had had an appointment at hospital regarding having a stoma - which Ithink is both pointless and dangerous and may just bring more complications without affecting the pain from the tumor. Well her message was brief, it was an interesting  appointment as her daughter collapsed in the toilet there and had to go to A&E and was waiting for a bed! Could I pick her up in the morning  and bring her home from the hospice!!! Her other daughter would be coming home that day. Now Friend has always put her daughters first so her laid back  attitude to her daughter being hospitalised just shows where she is now. I did a phone around to see if anyone else knew and if anyone was with her. Well various people knew but no one had told me! I was beside myself - just who was going to look after Friend, eldest doesn't drive, youngest in hospital and Friend away with the fairies and a danger to herself with falls this last week. I contacted eldest to say should Friend be coming home at this point - yes, it was worth giving it a try, youngest was fine and was coming out the same day, they could cope! 
It all seems total madness to me - stoma, coming home, no support wanted from anyone medical  into the home, youngest obviously not right - what the hell? However I have stated my concerns and can only support them in what they want to do - so I shall pick youngest up from hospital in the morning, take her to the hospice, collect Friend and bring them home. 
I am not in my happy place and feel like the whole world is making uniformed decisions over important matters. The decision to move out of the village to a quiet haven with land for me, chickens, dogs and cats and any other animal that takes my fancy, is hanging in the balance - stop the world I want to get off! 

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