
By bananablip


Here is the Shrewsbury Youth Gospel Choir in it's third incarnation. I'm not really happy with any of the photos I took tonight but I was a bit fed up after having to use my shouty voice far more than I should have done. They do look great though, don't they?! The reason for the shoot is that we've got our first album coming out soon and so we needed some publicity shots. We've also got a concert coming up on Saturday but I'm feeling severely un-confident about how it's going to sound. Urgh.

Today we've had a visitor with us for the majority of the day, which has been great but it has meant that I haven't really been able to do much work which is a little frustrating as I've got lots to do. And I've got another (YFC) visitor tomorrow which means more of the same.

Moan moan moan.

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