A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Being resourceful

The mess up of yesterday did indeed get fixed, though from an unexpected East Coast source instead of the Far East.

Today we had an appointment with a neuropsychologist. I'm having trouble processing it all so goodness what it is doing to J's brain; though he did fall asleep for part of it so perhaps that helped. Interestingly it has left Carl feeling positive and optimistic and me feeling like utter shite. I'm sure it wasn't Dr C's intent at all but I couldn't help feeling there was a light being shone on all the things I have done wrong and failed Jackson.

I have been for a long walk along the river with Albi to try and get my head straight and try and hear it all like Carl did and focus on things that are useful and helpful. I'm just so worried I'm going to get it all wrong and make things worse.

Lesley x

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