A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

On the rails

An awful night's sleep and yet somehow a much better day already. A piece of work I had been worrying about turned out to have been much better received by the client than I had feared. And we're having a good day with J. He's just as fatigued as ever and has still managed to get a decent amount of activities done today including a short walk. I think we are both feeling more positive. Me being helped by a good talking to by Carl - it does help sometimes to have different perspectives.

I have one piece of work today that uses my brain and then I will officially be switching it off for the rest of the day.

Albi and I have been for our now regular lunch time walk along the river which I am really enjoying. As well as the joys of the river there are lots of very old bits of London down there and some really splendid houses. These railings were taken down there.

Lesley x

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