A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The Venn of Crudites

 I find Venn diagrams particularly pleasing. This one is crudites my children eat, with Anna on the left and Jackson on the right. 

I could make it a theme and post Albi sleeping in her favourite position - body in the kitchen; paws in the garden - but the weather has taken a turn and her opportunities for doing so are fairly non-existent currently. 

The weather taking a turn may also have contributed to Jackson catching a chill which has left him rundown and shivery all day. As he doesn't really have the resources to deal with such a thing we have unfortunately had to cancel his plans to have a couple of mates over for a sleepover. 

Anna on the other hand was down with a bad headache yesterday  and this morning but seems fully back to normal now.  It may possibly have been a mild migraine but I am slightly in denial about that. For three generations the female line of my family have all had their first migraine when they were twelve. Anna is of course a year off this still but when she complained of a headache and couldn't look at Albi's fine collar of yesterday's blip it has made me wonder. Both mine and my mom's migraines are primarily triggered by light.  The good news is that every generation they have been less frequent and milder so I am hopeful that even if Anna does turn out to have them they will be completely manageable. 

Lesley x

EDIT: turns out my data is out of date and Anna now likes raw carrots. I shall have to find a new Venn for them.

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