my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Born of Frustration..

My day at work was good..Miss A was back! I did inform her of the *new* rule..that she was not allowed to go on holiday again. She must not leave me bereft. I can't manage without her.

Usual Tuesday..Beavers and Cubs.

J was upset at some teasing that went on tonight, she's small for her age and got called 'LittleBigGirl' For one..I told her that isn't *so* bad an insult and bullies are idiots and ... I'm 5'8 and her dad is 6'4 so I reminded her it's just a matter of time and she will shoot up. That cheered her up. She likes the facts does my Jeanne.

Looking forward to my date on Friday.
I am approaching it as a nice day with someone I get on with. I am not thinking of ALL the good stuff about him. I won't list them. They are numerous :)

I am desparate to make some arty plates...I KEEP trying and tonight I spent hours trying to paint the bee that is imprinted on my clay creation. FAIL.

I can't. I'm officially rubbish. OFFICIALLY.

"All this frustration
I can't meet all my desires
Strange conversation
Self-control has just expired
All an illusion
Only in my head you don't exist
Who are you fooling
Don't need a shrink but an exorcist


Love Kate...still surprisingly upbeat.


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