A Little Bit Bonkers

Going through some old stuff tonight and found one of my old school books. I would have been about five.

We lived in a typical suburban Britain seventies avenue and my Dad used to have not one, but two penny farthings which he used to take out for a spin whenever he felt the need to be a shrinking violet who would never be noticed for some excercise.

It makes me smile to think that the teacher would have read this and thought " Yes Rachel, you and your over active imagination. No one has Penny Farthings anymore . "
Or probably more likely " WTF " ??? ( not that anyone said fuck in the 70s obviously . It was all " Ooh Betty " and " Darn you , you blighter" )

I wonder if she ever questioned him on parent's evening .

This is for you Dad you crazy person. I miss you

The songs not for you though. You would have hated it!

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