Dr BlipLittle Talks Bollocks

" If we keep our heads down then she has no chance of blipping us. No one wants to see the top of a horse's head "

" Bollocks to you two. I am going to hide by the shed and disguise myself so my shadow looks like a giraffe "

Yup I am no Dr Doolittle when it comes to persuading those animals but at least the clouds behaved!!

I fully planned to catch up on blip comments tonight but my computer is groaning under the weight of my photos and puns. I am in the middle of a hard drive clear up. I knew I had quite a collection of utterly shit photos that frankly should have been deleted at source and never even made it onto the computer art but I had no idea that it was over 12,000 shots. I have a long way to go with this tidy up.

The thing is if I don't do this dull job of deleting over the next few weeks then I will use this task as a study avoidance scheme when I start my masters course in September. Give me some studying to do and I will suddenly organise and catalogue all my photos, alphabetise my spice jars, hand wash all my shoe laces.... you know all those vital tasks that you have to do when an assignment is due in.

On with some more hard drive cleaning then. Rock N Dull Job Roll

Cheesy uplifting and very old song ( Maybe I should also tidy up my You Tube account...)

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