...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Our Sweet Emma Charley at 11 months:
 - She just started using the wooden walker around the house and loves it! She is also learning to stand on her own, but gets too excited and falls down quickly
 - Her new trick is blowing kisses, which is completely adorable
 - Says mmmmmmamammamammama and dada a lot
 - She's already perfected the dramatic tantrum. When she's upset she flails her arms and throws her face on the floor (somewhat violently, which can be scary too!). She's a determined little one. (we've nick-named her Emo)
 - however, even though she gets emotional, when dada signs "stop" she immediately stops her crying and stares at him, and goes on with what she was doing. A sign she might know how to control her emotions better than her brother and sister :)
 - While she is still so in love with her sister, and watches everything she does, she also steals everything of Haddies...she always needs two lovies and two pacis 
 - Is super quick and crawling up the stairs, and loves to crawl and explore the entire house, like (the cutest) little bulldog 
 - When we asked Miles what his favorite thing about Emma was, he said, "because she always likes me" And that's the truth. This little lady LOVES her family. 

We love you sweet Emma!!!!
PS - her face is a bit pink and purple from painting at school today. 

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