...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Yesterday afternoon ended up being a beautiful day so we took advantage and carved a pumpkin for Miles outside. He first drew a picture of his family on the pumpkin....we all were upside down and only a few of us had heads. Then he helped dad scoop and carve the pumpkin where he said, "this is going to be the greatest pumpkin at the world" (not 'in the world' but 'at the world')

Then we were going to watch his new Curious George Halloween DVD that Grandpa Greg and Memaw sent up to him, but he chose not to listen so we tried again tonight...and again he chose not to listen...so we will try again tomorrow. Hopefully by Halloween he will have been good enough to watch it!

Here he is with his personally designed pumpkin.

Today we had our weekly ultrasound and they estimated twin A at 5lbs 4 oz and twin B at 5 lbs 5 oz. that is a lot of baby!!! Both did great at their movements and practice breathing too.

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