...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Because of our busy weekends, we couldn't post the girls glamour shots on their 11th month birthday. Here is miss Hadley's close up at 11 months. 
 - Loves to stand on her own, and then clap for herself
 - Can finally do an efficient crawl (no more army crawl)
 - Says "dada" when she's happy and "mama" when she's sad
 - Has crazy hair (and loves to put her food in it!!)
 - Loves to be held...and frequently will do nothing but cry unless she's held
 - Loves to wave, especially during meal times. (she thinks it hilarious!)
 - We call her our 'little bird' because she's so tiny and also loves to sing in her sweet little voice
- When we asked Miles what his favorite thing about his "haddo" is he said, "because she always is following me"

We love you sweet Haddo!!

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