Menin Gate

Yesterday was a day of non stop cleaning before my parents arrived late afternoon. Mr C and I slept downstairs so mum and dad could have our room.... Hence a rubbish night sleep for both of us.

We left for eurotunnel at 8.30 this morning and our train was delayed by an hour. The queue started to move but.... Panic set in when our car wouldn't start (I'm the driver by the way!!!). Some lovely young men helped give us a push start and all cheered and clapped when it started.... Then an official stopped us as they were concerned we would break down on the train. We told him it was just a blip (we hoped!!!). The whole half hour train journey I was so worried it wouldn't start again but it did and fingers crossed seems ok.

We arrived at our lovely little B&B, not too far from Ypres, surrounded by fields and cows. Not too long after we arrived we heard a helicopter nearby and looking out our window saw that it had landed in a field opposite us. A couple alighted from the helicopter ordered coffee and crepes from the cafe/bar joined to our rooms. Talking to the owners later this evening they said they have had 5 helicopters once before. How bizarre to jump in your 'copter and pop out for coffee!!!

We popped into Ypres for a quick nosey around and will go back tomorrow for a full day. Here is part of the gate in memory of all those lost in the war but without a grave and tomorrow we aim to watch the last post at the gate.

Extra... I was fascinated by this roof and all its Windows. Driving home there was a wonderful sunset and of course I couldn't resist.

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