
By Nettenet

Poppies and people

Today I was on a secret mission as I had to occupy a dear friend whilst her family prepared a surprise party for her.

We arrived at London Bridge station and walked towards Tower Bridge. The area was heaving with people. I'm not sure if I have ever seen London so busy.

First we visited St. Katherine's Dock where we stopped for a cup of tea and admired some of the lovely boats including the Queens 'Gloriana', the boat she sailed along the Thames at her Jubilee.

Then onto the Tower to admire the wonderful display. We stood in awe at how effective the display was at making you realise the extent of the loss in WW1. The hoards of people seemed to fill every spare space there was to view the poppies. Zigzagging right around the Tower.

From there we headed back along the Thames towards Westminster. Viewing the opening of Tower Bridge as we went! A slow stroll but a long walk, we arrived in The Strand and stopped for something to eat. By the time we had finished eating it was still to early to return home!! Shall we pop to the National Gallery, I suggested. Luckily J agreed otherwise I'm not sure what I would have done.

Time to head home, one entrance to the tube was so full that people were spilling out onto the pavement. Another entrance was used!!!! We got home just a little later than planned but it was lovely to see the surprise on her face. So her plan of chilling on the sofa to watch strictly was scuppered and a good time was had!! Mission accomplished:-)

This is also my 300th blip!!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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