Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Took an unpaid afternoon off work after a very noisy morning in soft play with some of the babies.
Came home and tidied then went to the supermarket. Went along to see my gran then walked to the harbour.

I had plans for tomorrow (this is my homework from my counsellor; go somewhere with the camera and go back to her with the photos. This is because she wants me to do things for myself and get outdoors at the weekend.) but Steven text and said I could pop into see them as I haven't seen Lewis for over a week.
This has really thrown me and I don't know what to do. I keep going over and over it in my head. My heart is racing and am finding it hard to catch my breath. I am angry with myself for being like this; I never was like this.

I have punched and kicked things and have self harmed.
I hate this.
I'm not even happy with the photo, wasn't in the mood  .

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