Another New Kayaker

The red kayak 2 days in a row? I know...but I just couldn't help myself. It was Daddy Doug's first ride in it, and also baby Merrick's. (How long can a call him a baby...until he's about 10?)

He did real well. That's the longest time I've seen him sit still since we used to rock him to sleep.

2 kayak rides in 2 nights. Doug and I saw the swan family again, plus 2-3 blue herons. I had left my camera in the truck.

I took the long way home...looking for the 4 b's. A bluebird, a bunny, a big blue, and a buck. As you can see on my flickr page...3 out of 4 wasn't bad.

I am watching The Lion King until 9 p.m., and then we are going to try to watch Black Swan. Have a great week!!!

Click it to LARGE to see Juniors priceless expressions. He's so cute.

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