Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Andalucia Last Day!

We had a fabulous meal last night, up in the old town, right opposite the Alhambra! (Check out our view in extras yesterday). We were on the outside terrace, and arrived just before sunset. It was very special. And every course was tasty:

duck pate and quince jelly
Iberian ham and cheese
shrimps and grilled red peppers
glass of gazpacho
scrambled egg with pine nuts & mushrooms
mixed green salad
grilled pork and potatoes
chocolate cheesecake

Sad to say, most of the other set meals were not inspiring.

We arrived at Malaga Airport about 10:30 and waved the others off on their flight to Gatwick. Having been here at the start of our holiday, we knew which station had Left Luggage facility (not Malaga Centro) and we hopped in a taxi straight to the Picasso Museum. It was very interesting, though rather too much of his cubist period for my liking. But we were delighted to get in for half price, being oldies!

We then had a wander and spent a pleasant hour or so having lunch and a beer while gazing at the outside of the cathedral. We didn't gaze at the inside this time, being totally cathedral-ed out!

Another dander through the picturesque wee streets, and lo! What is that I hear? Someone stamping. Loudly. Rhythmically. And guitar music. Yes! A wee group were performing in the tiniest bar. The dancer had postage stamp sized stage to do her stuff. But that was all she needed. We propped ourselves up at the bar right in front of them, and partook of some vino tinto. It would have been rude not to.

While we were having yet another wee sit down in a rather nice cafe, it began to rain. We waited. And waited. There was nothing for it but to buy another umbrella!

The umbrellas in Malaga were €3, unlike the ones in Rip-off-Ronda, the cheapest of which was €15!!! We now have three roll up umbrellas. Four, counting the one at home that we didn't bother to bring.

Went to the airport in plenty of time for the evening flight. I had hoped to sit and watch the World Cup Rugby, but the Spanish are more interested in football. I did ask the barmaid (jokingly) at the Sports Bar if I could change channels, and she laughed, but the two chaps sitting at the bar glared at me as if I was mad.

We had a great holiday - we love this part of Spain. The history is so interesting, and the towns and cities are so clean! Lovely marble pavements with NO chewing gum, NO fag ends and NO litter. (I feel a rant coming on...)

But we are really ready to come home. A week is a long time to be away from Archie, even though we had daily photos and videos and news. (Thanks, J!)

I tried to post this at the airport, but no luck. 1:30am and home at last. I hope this is the last flight we will ever do in school holidays! JR will definitely have to retire very soon. The plane was full very tired, scratchety children, one of whom kept bumping the back of my seat the whole way.

It's been a long day, and we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see Archie...

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