I can see clearly now

I have an occasional, as yet unidentified*, severe allergic reaction from time to time that means my eyes can swell shut. Waking this morning I could feel the onset of it - enough antihistamine to numb a horse can sometimes slow it - and cold air helps - so I was out early - looking slightly odd in my shades - but it did let get to see the mist lifting off the Howgills.

I've a big event on tomorrow (barring alien invasion almost certainly tomorrows blip) and then I'm off to host the Association of British Climbing Walls conference & AGM in North Wales - followed straight away by some instructional work also in Wales - so its been a busy day - especially dealing with the eye!

Nearly all prepared - volunteers emailed & confirmed, Team Leader squabbles sorted, presentation & speech run through, kit packed - time for a long bath & cold G&T.

*an allergic reaction is very hard to get a Dr to take seriously I've found - so today with my actual eyeball swollen I demanded to see a Dr - oddly enough after several failed previous attempts he's now referred me to an eye specialist AND an allergy clinic!

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