Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Have courage and be kind

I must admit, being a princess has its cons. Royal duties and such, it can be mentally straining. So today I've taken a day off. 

So far on my day off, I have got my post, went to Primark to get my mum some trainers, ate my super fly 18p noodles, got cosy and watched Cinderella. I bet you couldn't tell. 

My flat mate, Hannah, has gone for sleepovers with her friends so I've had the flat to myself and yesterday (for the first time since I moved in) I had a bath! We both presumed we wouldn't have enough hot water but really, it was alright. It could of been hotter but I've had colder baths. A success in my eyes.

Now can we address the real subject here? The fact it's the final of the bake off tonight! I am so excited, the passion they have makes my heart jump into my throat. I wish I was such a professional baker, but honestly I think I might be put off for life. I am excited though.

Happy Blipping.

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