
By TrishaR

Volunteer Day

This is my sixth time at Corbenic, residential homes for over 100 mentally disabled adults set in the beautiful countryside near Dunkeld.

Most of the paths have been completed allowing the people to walk safely round the grounds, which are massive. This time we were collecting wood. One group had to carry the long tree trunks to the horses paddock as a log cabin was being made. And the guy doing it was following instructions from a You Tube video! Impressive!! Another group were wheelbarrowing logs for the walls and my group was collecting the fallen branches etc to the side of the path through the wood for the chipping machine to come and do its chipping stuff.

One of the highlights is the variety of biscuits the residents make in the bakery there. They are brilliant and even though they make a big tray full there are never any left!

After we finished we had a wander round the grounds, which were opened to the public in July. It's a place of great beauty and I love it here.

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