Across the Solway

Spent the day on the other side of the Solway, in South West Scotland. This was taken as we walked along the shore at Powfoot. A lovely sunny day.

Lunch at Beeswing, at the Loch Arthur Camphill Community Farm Shop and Café. We've been visiting this place since it was just an addition to the farm that provides a community and work for disabled people. We used to buy lovely things from the little shop, including Criffel cheese, Gordon's favourite. (Sadly, they can't make it any more, as it uses unpasteurised milk - imagine this being adhered to in France!) Now it's a big, new building with an extensive shop and an excellent café.

The extra picture (sorry can't load it on the iPad - will add it later) is a sheep on a stone. But not any old stone! This is the Twelve Apostles Stone Circle near Dumfries, the largest stone circle on mainland Scotland. As we walked across the field towards the stones we watched this group of young sheep racing from one stone to another. They were quite definitely competing to see who could get onto each stone first. Amazing!

Then we found a loch and a ruined castle.

Now we're in Langholm and looking forward to seeing Phil and Ali . . . again. We've been going to see Phil Cunningham and Ali Bain every Autumn for years and years. No idea why we do this - they play the same tunes and tell the same jokes, but there you go. We did set ourselves the challenge of going to a different place every year, preferably somewhere we had not been to before. But we ran out of places and we like the theatre in Langholm - so here we are.

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