
By pensionspoet

Sunny Sunday

After the excitement of yesterday today was far more low key, but not without excitement too!

Up at about 9, I moved the hens back to the back garden to make space at the front for the Land Rover. Once Jon was back from his dog walk, we drove over to Wighton to pick up the Land Rover, getting back about lunch time. There was a bit of jigging of vehicles and trailers in the front before we were able to fit 3 cars and the trailer tent in. I will take on Jons old car once insurance is swapped over, and then I will try and sell mine.

In the afternoon I did more chicken stuff, and tidied in the garden while the boys went to Cley to do some bird watching.

So, as I said, a relatively relaxed day. The hens were pleased to be back in the back garden and here they are enjoying a long dust bath in the sun, all snuggled up together.

Hope we get more of these summery weekends before Autumn really sets in!

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