In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Love Shine Down

Today, which is usually the longest day, is our wedding anniversary.
29 great years June and I have been wed.
We have shared some fabulous adventures.
Almost being tipped of an elephant in the rain in a Thai rain forest, Sailing a faluka, almost capsizing it, up the Nile trying to avoid the oncoming cruise-ships, hot air ballooning over the Valley of the Kings, experiencing an eastern seaboard power cut in New York, riding camels along the beach (not in New York) , witnessing a bank robbery at the Vatican, being on top of the World Trade Center roof, seeing capucin monkees on the Costa Rican tree tops and crawling in the dungeons of an old Egyptian temple, are just some of the highs (and lows) he have enjoyed together.
Next year will be our 3oth and we have another amazing trip planned already which will take in several new countries aboard the largest cruise liner in the world. Can't wait to share the love and the trip.
This pictures are 2 of my favourite pictures of June in 2 different climates.

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