In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Caller, " Hello, I'd like to book an appointment please."
Calltaker, "Certainly, what kind of emergency do you have?"
Caller, " Actually, I don't have an emergency."
Calltaker, " Sorry sir, but you need to have an emergency to book a home visit with us."
Caller, " But surely if I had an emergency then I would need some-one to call straight away?"
Calltaker, " Again I must apologise, but we don't work that way, we can fit you in, let me see, next Tuesday around 0930a.m."
Caller, "Well what if I don't have an emergency then?"
Calltaker, " Well you will still be charged, unless you give us at least 48 hours notice of the cancellation."

This company surely never really had a good enough think about it's on van advertising.

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