An Artist's Life

By MariB

Red Lodge to Bozeman

Early Saturday morning, we moseyed into Red Lodge and spotted our auto enthusiasts at the newly restored Pollard Hotel. How fitting! This elegant white Rolls Royce and the 4 Hartford Popes made it over the pass and were now heading to Cody, Wyoming. As I understand it, the Hartford Popes were made for mountain driving and they sprinted across the 2 mile high pass. They roared off with a pop and rattle...and so did we.
Off to St. Olaf's Church and cousin Marilyn's ranch for coffee. Across her field you can see St. Olaf's proudly standing against the blue sky. I'll be buried there one day and will enjoy the conversations with some of my favorite old friends and most certainly the long view back toward Yellowstone Park. It is lovingly cared for and maintained by relatives and friends. It's been used in movies and commercials, so it isn't that lonesome up there. I think it has a Facebook page!
On to Bozeman and the Museum of the Rockies....home of Jack Horner, paleontologist to the stars. he of Jurassic Park fame is the resident dino-man and in extras you see some of the immense collection; including the most complete T-Rex ever found.
Dinner of pheasant, corn, insalata Caprese and other goodies at Terry & Monica's was a special treat to end the day.

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