Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

A Tangled Mess and All Alone

That's me after today. After dropping my car off for its MOT, I crossed the road and wandered round the harbour. I took a gasp when I saw this boat. It's all alone and so am.

I was so apprehensive about the psychiatrists appointment today, I woke feeling sick, butterflies in my stomach and tired.

The appointment was hard, really hard. Made more difficult by me finding it hard to say what is in  my head. For several reasons.
Possibly getting a change in meds; she is going back to the consultant to talk it over and phone me.

My counselling appointment was awful. I was crying in the car before going in. Again find it hard to say what I am thinking /feeling. For a while I couldn't sit still; my foot was shaking and I ended up walking round the room before sitting in a heap, on the floor, crying.

Now I have to be another person and go to work and act all normal. It's tiring being two different people.

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