Shetland Sees Syria

It's been mostly overcast and cloudy but there was sunny spells in the morning and early afternoon.  It's been a breezy day but dry :)

Ended up going out with friends last night and slept a big longer than planned today.  I finally got up and got going :)  I nipped into Lerwick in the late morning with Brian to get birthday presents for my twin nephews and then headed to Scalloway to help Big Brian and Peerie Brian put away the caravan for the winter.  It feels like summer is truly over now!  Went along mam after to say goodbye, they are off to Corfu for a fortnight, hopefully be nice and warm for them.  My sister Laura was also down.  I headed over to see big bro Jonny with niece Elise, it's the twins birthday today, age 7.  
Will it be a quiet night at home with the telly, or will I head out?  Think I should stay home tonight :)

Shetland has joined in, like other towns and cities across Europe for a silent vigil.  Those poor folk and families having to leave their homes in Syria and not knowing what's around the corner for them.  Locally here in Shetland, there's been a big response in donations of clothes, food etc and collections for them.  Taken at the Market Cross, Lerwick.  

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