Sunday Dinner at Troswick

A windy day but it's been sunny all day :) 

I was meant to have the day off today but we needed cover for the Crofthoose Museum.  Off I set this morning, got the fire going and waited for the visitors to arrive.  It was a quiet start to the day, only saw my first visitors after noon.  The afternoon was busier and had friends Madeline, Big Brian, Peerie Brian and Sammy dog along for a cuppa and yarn :)  
It's a quiet evening ahead.  I managed a big walk around Cunningsburgh and now time for the feet to go up :)

I got invited round for Sunday dinner at Troswick, with Ian and Margaret Smith.  Ian works part time in the Crofthoose Museum and invites the Sunday staff round for dinner every week.  Today we had roast mutton with the trimming and cheesecake for pudding.  I could have had a snooze when I got back to work.  Thanks again for the invite :)  Taken at Troswick, Dunrossness. 

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