HB and me

Izzy's boyfriend has his graduation party in London, today, and my brother, Wol, and his family have returned to Wimbledon from Spain. Thus the time seemed right for a road trip south. I asked Hannah - Hannah Barbara, "HB" - if she fancied coming along, too, and she did.

After a late night following last night's school awards ceremony, I managed to get up and into the market square to meet the girls at 8am, and Iz drove the first stretch of motorway until it was time to stop for coffee and breakfast. The rule in our family is that the oldest child in the car goes in the front with me but when I took over the driving, Izzy got in the front. This is because she finds it impossible to nap during the day and I could, therefore, be assured of some company for the rest of the trip. 

We made pretty good time and dropped Iz at Hatton Cross tube just before one o'click, and then HB and I schlepped across west London to Worcester Park. Wol and my niece were already at my folks', waiting for us, which was lovely. After lunch, Wol suggested we take the little one to the soft play area in Raynes Park and, as we didn't have a car seat for her and we'd had enough of driving through London traffic for one day, we decided to take the train.

This is me and HB on the train, somewhere between Malden Manor and Raynes Park. 

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