Running buddy

When I first started running I worked at the Bradford and Bingley in Crossflatts and every Wednesday me and my friend Neil would run two and a half miles. And I hated it. We didn't talk much as we went 'round our course along the canal because, speaking for myself, I was more interested in breathing.

When I got a bit better - by which I mean I could run a little further - I used to go running on my own more but occasionally I'd be accompanied by a lovely chap called Hugh. He was so much fitter than me that as we ran he would bob up and down like a gazelle, which I think was to expend the energy that he really wanted to expend on going forward, if only I was a bit faster. I used to use what little breath I had to ask him questions which I hoped would have really long answers.

These days it's incredibly rare that I run with anyone but today I had the opportunity to run around Richmond Park with my brother, and it was wonderful. We took the seven and a half miles at a nice easy pace and chatted all the way 'round. I enjoyed it so much that I was quite sad as we approached Kingston Gate and the end of the run. I'd happily have carried on for another two or three miles.

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