On a mission...

....to get a specific photo for 24-7 Prayer. Well actually here we were on our way home again! Nice to go downhill! In 5 weeks time we're going to Madrid for the Euro Gathering of all 24-7 Prayer people (and anyone else who wants to go)...the theme is 'Presencia' (presence!), so they want people to write the word presence and photograph it in the place they want to see God's presence....anyway, we took a hot walk up to the top of the Old Town to get a snap looking over Sa Penya.

A morning of serious cleaning! Our flat is positively sparkling!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) generous family.
2) new lightbulbs transforming our dingy bathroom! Incredible the difference they've made!!!
3) Danny giving up a morning of Catalan in order to help me clean!

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